Who owns the Public Domain?

| Posted in Copyright, IP Law | By Lawrence Mandel
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The concept of public domain is something that most people can easily comprehend. If a work of art is in the public domain, it belongs to the public and one person cannot monopolize its use. It is free for the
New Jersey Identity Theft Protection Act

| Posted in IP Law | By IP Lawyer Blog
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The New Jersey Identity Theft Protection Act (the Act) took effect on January 1, 2006. The goal of the Act is to address a major law enforcement issue that has been created by the information age economy, namely personal identity
Warranty Against Infringement and Patent Infringement Claims

| Posted in IP Law, Patents | By The Patent Guys
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A common tactic of patent trolls is to sue buyers of patented items for infringement based upon the buyer’s use of the goods. If you are faced with such a claim, don’t overlook the UCC’s warranty against infringement. In New